[SIZE=24pt]Bitte gebt mal an welche Games (auch ältere) bei euch [/SIZE]
unter Windows Vista ohne Probleme funktionieren
und welche da Probleme bereiten, schreibt bitte auch die wichtigen Infos dazu
( Fehlermeldungen, Name der Grafikkarte, Größe des Arbeitsspeichers ).Thanks
= Es funktioniert
= Es funktioniert nicht[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' -
18 Wheels of Steel Pedal To The Metal -
- Grafikfehler
9 Dragons -
Actioncube -
Act of War (+Addon) -
Agatha Christie: Mord im Orient-Express
Agatha Christie: Und dann gabs keines mehr -
Age of Empires II -
Age Of Empires III -
Grafikfehler, Soundaussetzer (32-bit, 64-bit)
Airline Tycoon Deluxe -
Alien Shooter 2 -
Alpha Centauri -
Grafikfehler (32-bit)
Americas Army -
America McGee's Alice -
Ankh -
Anno 1503 -
Anno 1602 (Königs Edition)
Anno 1701 -
Anstoss 2007 -
Aquanox 1 -
Aquanox 2 -
Archlord -
Armed Assault -
Fehlermeldung (64-bit)
Arx Fatalis -
Atlantis: Das heilige Vermaechtnis (Demo ) -
Bad Day LA - läuft -
Battlefield 1942 -
Battlefield 2 + Addon -
Battlefield 2142 -
Battlefield Vietnam -
Battle Mages -
Battlestations Midway -
Beyond Divinity -
Black Mirror -
Blitzkrieg 2 -
BloodRayne 2 -
Blobby Volley -
Boiling Point -
Bots -
Boxsport Manager -
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 -
Call of Duty 1 -
Call of Duty: United Offensive -
Call of Duty 2 -
Call of Juarez -
Championship Manager 2007 -
Chrome -
Civilization 4 / Warlords -
Clever & Smart A Movie Adventure -
Clive Barker's Undying -
Cobra 11 Nitro -
Colin McRae Rally 2 -
Combat Flight Simulator 3 -
Command & Conquer Generals -
Command & Conquer Generäle -
Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour -
Command & Conquer Renegade -
Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars -
Company Of Heroes -
Condemned -
Counterstrike 1.6 -
Counterstrike Source -
[SIZE=12pt]Cossacks 2 -
Crashday -
Dark Age of Camelot -
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic -
Darkstar One -
Day of Defeat Source -
D-Day -
DEL Eishockeymanager 2005 -
Delta Force: BHD -
Deus Ex -
DeusEx 2 - Invisible War -
Devastation -
Diablo 1 -
Diablo 2 -
Diver - Deep Water Adventures -
Doom 3 -
DosBox 0.65 -
DTM Race Driver 2 -
DTM Race Driver 3 -
Dungeon Lords -
Dungeon Siege (Legends of Arania) -
Dungeon Siege 2 inkl. Addon Broken World -
Earth 2160 -
Empire Earth II -
Empires: Die Neuzeit -
Enemy Territory -
Elasto Mania -
El Matador -
Emergency 4 -
Eragon -
Europa Universalis 3 -
Eve Online -
Everquest 2 -
Evil Twin -
Fable -
Fahrenheit -
Falcon 4.0: Allied Force -
FarCry -
unter Windows Vista ohne Probleme funktionieren
und welche da Probleme bereiten, schreibt bitte auch die wichtigen Infos dazu
( Fehlermeldungen, Name der Grafikkarte, Größe des Arbeitsspeichers ).Thanks

[SIZE=12pt]18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' -

18 Wheels of Steel Pedal To The Metal -

9 Dragons -

Actioncube -

Act of War (+Addon) -

Agatha Christie: Mord im Orient-Express

Agatha Christie: Und dann gabs keines mehr -

Age of Empires II -

Age Of Empires III -

Airline Tycoon Deluxe -

Alien Shooter 2 -

Alpha Centauri -

Americas Army -

America McGee's Alice -

Ankh -

Anno 1503 -

Anno 1602 (Königs Edition)

Anno 1701 -

Anstoss 2007 -

Aquanox 1 -

Aquanox 2 -

Archlord -

Armed Assault -

Arx Fatalis -

Atlantis: Das heilige Vermaechtnis (Demo ) -

Bad Day LA - läuft -

Battlefield 1942 -

Battlefield 2 + Addon -

Battlefield 2142 -

Battlefield Vietnam -

Battle Mages -

Battlestations Midway -

Beyond Divinity -

Black Mirror -

Blitzkrieg 2 -

BloodRayne 2 -

Blobby Volley -

Boiling Point -

Bots -

Boxsport Manager -

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 -

Call of Duty 1 -

Call of Duty: United Offensive -

Call of Duty 2 -

Call of Juarez -

Championship Manager 2007 -

Chrome -

Civilization 4 / Warlords -

Clever & Smart A Movie Adventure -

Clive Barker's Undying -

Cobra 11 Nitro -

Colin McRae Rally 2 -

Combat Flight Simulator 3 -

Command & Conquer Generals -

Command & Conquer Generäle -

Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour -

Command & Conquer Renegade -

Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars -

Company Of Heroes -

Condemned -

Counterstrike 1.6 -

Counterstrike Source -

[SIZE=12pt]Cossacks 2 -

Crashday -

Dark Age of Camelot -

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic -

Darkstar One -

Day of Defeat Source -

D-Day -

DEL Eishockeymanager 2005 -

Delta Force: BHD -

Deus Ex -

DeusEx 2 - Invisible War -

Devastation -

Diablo 1 -

Diablo 2 -

Diver - Deep Water Adventures -

Doom 3 -

DosBox 0.65 -

DTM Race Driver 2 -

DTM Race Driver 3 -

Dungeon Lords -

Dungeon Siege (Legends of Arania) -

Dungeon Siege 2 inkl. Addon Broken World -

Earth 2160 -

Empire Earth II -

Empires: Die Neuzeit -

Enemy Territory -

Elasto Mania -

El Matador -

Emergency 4 -

Eragon -

Europa Universalis 3 -

Eve Online -

Everquest 2 -

Evil Twin -

Fable -

Fahrenheit -

Falcon 4.0: Allied Force -

FarCry -
